Bryan Selders - Ideas and Design


My name is Bryan and I've been making images and designs for as long as I can remember. I can't imagine ever stopping for that matter. It's what I do. I'm a maker.

My journey to this point has been an exciting one. I graduated from Tyler School of Art with a BFA in painting in 1997 and have been building my skillset in the Visual arts department at DTCC in Dover, Delaware. Since then I've been honing my creative talents and skills in a wide variety of disciplines and media. From drawing to making music to making beer (my career of choice for the past 12 years), everything I've endeavored has lead to this moment.

I work as a web designer at Inclind Inc. in Georgetown, Delaware where we specialize in custom Drupal design and development. In my spare time I love to make print designs and I'm always up for a great challenge. If are faced with that challenge, please contact me by utilizing the form below.